Archive Health is effective because we collaborate closely with our clinicians, utilize data, and develop creative solutions.
Illinois Client
Texas Client
Archive Health is effective because we collaborate closely with our clinicians, utilize data, and develop creative solutions.
Onsite convenience
Healthcare without leaving the workplace
Mental Health Therapy
Therapists collaborating with clinicians to provide deeper, effective care
Diet/Nutritional Coaching
Preventing health issues through lifestyle changes
Onsite Healthy Meals
We partner with local vendors to provide healthy meals
Physical Therapy
Identify and target problem areas and overuse injuries
Biometric Screening
Blood draws rather than fingerstick tests, and in-house follow up appointments
Drug Screenings
Take over all pre-employment and DOT screenings
Targeted Interventions
Data analytics to focus on high-cost patients
Data Analytics
Actionable insight into what is happening within your company
How We Work
Primary care and more. Archive Health goes above and beyond your typical onsite primary and acute care services. We provide a full range of health and wellness services for your workforce that increase productivity and decrease healthcare costs. From data analytics, to providing healthy meals, we customize our services to each location.
Contact us today to see how we can serve you and your staff’s unique needs.